Design elements within the builder are referred to as content blocks. Depending upon your application's configuration, you may have quite a few different content blocks and options available, including customised blocks not referenced in this guide. Additionally, some options and blocks referenced here may not be available in your application.
The Content tab in the sidebar allows you to place and configure content blocks. As long as you have at least one row, you can drag and drop any available content block from this tab onto the stage.
Managing Content Blocks
Once you place or select a content block on the stage, it will display highlighted with a drag handle and three icons as shown below. Depending upon the type of content you select, a text toolbar may also be displayed.
The displayed icons allow you to manage the block as follows:
Move a Content Block
To move a content block, click and hold the drag handle and move it to the desired row or column as shown below.
Comment on a Content Block
If this feature has been enabled by your administrator, this icon allows you to leave comments and view those made by other users.
Clone a Content Block
This icon allows you to make a copy of a content block. The new block will append directly beneath the original.