Our import tool helps you add contacts to Intilery. Upload a comma-separated value file (CSV), copy and paste contacts from a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, or type info directly into the import table. You can also auto-update multiple existing contacts at once.
Before you start
Here are some things to know before you begin this process
- To get started, you'll need a blank sheet in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, saved or exported as a comma separated value (CSV) file.
- Certain fields, like birthday and date, must be formatted in a specific way. Make sure you're familiar with our format guidelines before you import your file.
Import new Customers
The file import process has two parts: First, you'll prepare your spreadsheet of contacts outside of Intilery and save it as a CSV file. Next, you'll use our import tool to upload your file and add your contacts to your Intilery audience.

Prepare for Import
To prepare your file for import, follow these steps.
- In a spreadsheet program like Excel or Google Sheets, open your blank worksheet.
- Create and label a column for Email Address. This is the only field we require.
- Next to your Email Address column, create and label additional columns for First Name, Last Name, and any other information you want to import to Intilery.
- You will need to also add in two columns called Unique and Audiences. The Unique column is for and the column is
- Paste your contacts' information into the relevant fields in the spreadsheet.
- Save the file in CSV format. This option can usually be accessed from the File menu in your spreadsheet program, labeled as "Export as .CSV" or "Download as .CSV". Different spreadsheet programs will vary a little bit.
Congratulations! You're now ready to import your Audience.
Next, import your contacts
1. Click the Audiences icon.
2. Click the Create Audiences drop-down and chose Upload From CSV File
3. Choose the location on your Computer to upload from
Example above is from an apple mac.
4.Choose the CSV file from your computer and then click on the arrow button to upload (far right of the screen) or the cross X if you have chosen the incorrect file.
Great work! Your import is now complete.