Discover how to create dynamic conditions that will be available to use when creating your asset content.
Row Conditions
Click on the Row Conditions menu item and you will be presented with the following screen
Fill in the fields using the following guidelines
Category - This can be used to enable the searching for criteria easier when you look to use it, group conditions under a category similar to files in a folder.
Name - Give your condition a name for easy identification when you come to use it
Description - use this section to describe what your condition is doing in as much detail as possible to ensure that it is used in the correct way
Before - To open your expression and fill in the details of the condition you want to add
After - To close the condition
The condition that you write will be created using the freemarker syntax and help with this can be found here
Once you have created your row conditions you can then use it in the email editor Create and Edit E-Mail
Dynamic content
This section is similar although it applies to a content item rather than a row, select the option from the menu and the following box appears

Name - Add a name for your condition to enable you to locate it easily
Value - Add the code that you want to use that adheres to the freemarker syntax, help with this can be found here